Mechanical Engineering Lesson Plan 2021-22 Bipin Kumar Swain Design of Machine elements Thermal Engg.-I Advance Manufacturing Process Debadatta Jena Enetrepreneurship & Smart Technology Powerstation Engg. Production Technology Sundusuta Rout Hydrolic Machine & Industial fluid Power Engg. Material Fluid Mechanics Manufacturing Technology Abinash Jena Automobile engineering and hybrid vehicles Prasanna Kumar Bhadra Powerstation Engg. Engg. Material Mechatronics Sanjeeb Kumar Nayak Industrial Engg. & Management Thermal Engg.-II Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Production Technology Kalinga Kesari Patra Advance Manufacturing Process Engg. Machanics Elements of Mechanical Engg. Subhasri Das Powerstation Engg. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Environmental Studies Debasish Das Hydrolic Machine & Industial fluid Power Fluid Mechanics Monalisa Kanungo Enetrepreneurship & Smart Technology Environmental Studies Harekrushna Ojha Enetrepreneurship & Smart Technology Theory of Machine Dilip Kumar Subudhi Environmental Studies Industrial Engg. & Managemen Bidyuta Ranjan Rout Engg. Material Theory of Machine Powerstation Engg. Rakesh Kumar Mohanty Design of Machine Elements Strength of Materials Industrial Engg. & Management Tamasa Tatini Sutar Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Industrial Engg. & Management Prasanta Kumar Sahoo Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Thermal Engg.-I Thermal Engineering - I Tapan Kumar Bugudei Hydrolic Machine & Industial fluid Power Manufacturing Technology Automobile engineering and hybrid vehicles Ananta Charan Sahoo Theory of Machine Soumya Ranjan Nayak Fluid Mechanics Design of Machine Elements Design of Machine Elements Sanjay Kumar Mishra Thermal Engg.-II Auotomobile engineering and hybrid vehicles Tarali Khan Advance Manufacturing Process Manufacturing Technology Sagar Ranjan Sahoo Advance Manufacturing Process Engg. Machanics