


Polytechnic library is the intellectual heart of DRIEMS Polytechnic aspires for excellence in support for learning, teaching and research mission of the institute. The collection of the library is rich and diverse, especially in terms of the breadth and depth of wide variety coverage. Collection encompasses from generalities to all specialized subjects both in print and digital form. This collection includes books, e-books, print and e-journals, proceedings, project reports, CDs, DVDs etc. Diploma Library is useing e-granthalaya library automation software from NIC Govt. of INDIA with WebOPAC Facility for all user.

Relevance of available learning resources including e-resources

Learning resources:

Learning Resources Number
Total nos. of books ( Circulation and book bank books)
Total nos. of books ( circulation only)
Total nos. of Book Bank books
Total nos. of Reference books
Total nos.of Titles
Total no. of print Journals (National (National & International)
10 Nos.
E-Resources facility
Delnet( NDL,Swayam,NCTEL,NPTEL)
Total nos. of Magazines
Total nos. of Newspapers
Total no. of CDs and DVDs

Digital Library

The institute has a well equipped digital library consisting of 10 systems for students and 5 systems for faculty members exclusively which are connected to a high end server. All these systems have access to internet through a 100mbps leased line dedicated for the students to explore both subscribed and open source documents from the net.

Accessibility to students

Area and seating capacity

Carpet area of the library in sq meter
Reading space in sq meter
No of seats in reading area
Number of Library staff
Timings: During working hours, weekend and vacation
9:00A.M. to 5:00 P.M. all week days
Services provided The institute library provides the following services to its users:
  • Circulation service
  • CAS and SDI
  • Bibliographic Service
  • OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue
  • Internet Service
  • Periodical Service
  • Reference and Information Service
  • Electronic Database and Online journals
  • Information literacy programme
Student support service for self-learning activities

Library provides internet facilities to the students and faculty members and Wi-Fi helps the students to access resources anytime. Laboratories and Library is made available beyond working hours to help the students in self-learning. The campus has an ICT facility which enables learning beyond working hours with formal and informal interaction with faculty and peer groups. Apart from this, students are also endowed with various resource materials by the teachers for their self-development.

Membership service

Our institute library is active member of various resource centres of national and international learned bodies to derive and cater to the information needs of the users. A brief write up such services is furnished below:

  • National Digital Library: A MHRD initiative monitored by IIT, Kharagpur is a collection of various e-resources
  • NPTEL (National Programme in Technology Enhanced Learning): A joint initiative of IITs and IISc for creating online course content in the field of engineering and science disciplines.
  • DELNET: Our institute library is member of delnet and renders access to various books, periodicals, articles, dissertations and many selected open source documents.
  • SWAYAM: An initiative of MHRD is a collection of video lectures, reading materials, Self-assessment test and online discussion forum for doubt clearings.
Co-curricular Activities in the library

Library conducts various programmes to develop awareness among the students and faculty members. Some of the co-curricular activities undertaken regularly are as follows:

  • User Orientation Programme
  • Librarian’s Day Celebration
  • Best User Award