Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

About Us


To create excellent technocrats by quality education in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering for challenging industrial context and the society.


  • To provide technical skills for rural students to meet society and industry needs.
  • To provide quality technical education through continuous training and industry institute interaction.
  • To develop and create technical ambience in the department with latest technologies.
  • To enable the diploma engineers with technical competence & employable as responsible citizen.
  • To fulfill the expectance of the society and industries with ethical Standards of education.

Programme Educational Objectives:

  • To Provide skilled technicians for maintenance, supervisory & quality control in electronics and telecommunication industry.
  • Encourage the students to apply their knowledge to provide, social environmental friendly solutions to solve the engineering problem.
  • To prepare students with current technology to become successful entrepreneurs in the field of electronics and telecommunication field.
  • To persuade students to adopt the art for learning skills with moral values for a successful professional career.
  • To train students with effective communication and technical skill so as to use their engineering ability to advance the quality of life in society.

Programme Outcomes:

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Under graduates will be able to:

  • PO 1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
  • PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well- defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
  • PO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
  • PO 4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
  • PO 5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
  • PO 6: Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
  • PO 7: Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.

Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab


The objective of this course is to become familiar with the architecture and the instruction set of an microprocessor Assembly language programming and also to Understand the architecture of 8085 and 8051


The students gain programming skills in 8085 Assembly Language and Interfacing with various devices such as Stepper Motor, Analog-to-Digital converter, Seven Segment display.The students have in depth knowledge in writing and executing 8086 Assembly Language programs with 8086 Micro Assembler.

Major Equipments:

8085 microprocessor trainer kit (LED & LCD version), 8086 microprocessor trainer kit (LED & LCD version), Traffic light controller, stepper motor, DAC, ADC, 7-segment dispalay, 8051 Trainer Kits, 8255 PPI, 8257 interfacing Module, etc

Analog Electronics Lab


To understand operation of semiconductor devices and its DC analysis, to apply the concepts for the design of Regulators and Amplifiers, to verify the theoretical concepts through laboratory and simulation experiments and finally to implement mini projects based on concept of electronics circuit.


Understand the fundamentals of current voltage characteristics of semiconductor devices & its analysis, also evaluate frequency response to understand behavior of Electronics circuits. The students also able to design various practical applications Like Power amplifier, Feedback amplifiers, voltage regulator, 555 timer etc

Major Equipments:

Two stage RC coupled amplifier, Common emitter characteristic, Common base characteristic, Pushpull amplifier, Differential amplifier, Characteristic of transistor, Transistor biasing method, FET characteristic, Function generator, Astable, BIstable & Monostable Multivibrator, Non linear wave shaping circuit, IC 555 trainer, OP-amp amplifier, voltage follower, adder & subtracter, differentiator & integrater, V-F&F-V converter, OPAMP wein bridge oscillator, OPamp as integrator, Hartly oscillator, Colpits oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, RC-phase shift oscillator, LDR characteristic, etc.

Digital Electronics Lab


To understand how the number conversion used in different digital electronic circuits, analyze logic processes and implement logical operations using combinational logic circuits, characteristics of memory and their classification, concepts of sequential circuits and Programmable Devices, also design of digital system using VHDL.


Develop a digital logic and apply it to solve real life problems, Analyze, design and implement combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits and digital system design using PLD, to Classify different semiconductor memories, Simulate and implement combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL systems.

Major Equipments:

Half adder & full adder trainer kit, Half subtractor & full subtractor trainer kit, Design MUX 4:1 & DEMUX1:4, Study of flip-flop trainer kit, Shift registers trainer kit, A 4-bit asynchronous up/ down counter trainer kit, 8-bit D/A & A/D conversion kit, etc.

Electronics Measurement & Instrumentations Lab


To provide basic knowledge about the various electronics measuring instruments and sensors used in different work , to know the method used to calculate unknown frequency and how to measure distortion present in signal.


Students will be able to explain principle of operation for various bridges, instrumentation like ammeter, voltmeter, function generator. Sensors, to gain knowledge on PMMC instrument, CRO, LVDT, distortion analyser etc.

Major Equipments:

Wheatstone bridge trainer Kit, Maxwell bridge trainer Kit, Hay’s bridge trainer Kit, Schearing bridge trainer Kit, LCR Q meter trainer Kit, Distortion Analyser, Inductance Box, etc.

Communication Engineering Lab


To introduce students to various modulation and demodulation techniques of analog and digital communication, to analyze different parameters of analog and digital communication techniques and also focuses on pulse modulation and demodulation.


Use of different modulation and demodulation techniques used in analog and digital communication and its advantages, disadvantages and limitations of systems and analyzing its different waveforms.

Major Equipments:

Digital communication trainer kit, Amplitude modulation/Demodulation trainer kit , Analog signal sampling and reconstruction trainer kit, Function generator, Frequency modulation/ demodulation trainer kit, GSM mobile trainer kit., etc



After successful completion of the course student will be able to know the fundamentals of VLSI circuit design and implementation using circuit simulators and layout editors.

  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of CMOS fabrication flow and technology scaling
  • Design MOSFET based logic circuit and to Draw layout of a given logic circuit
Major Equipments:

P-4 system, Xilinx



Apply the knowledge what they learned from various subjects in different semesters to design various small electronic gadgets used in daily life, design new innovative projects, etc.


Classroom Images

Room No. 204

Room No. 224

One day seminar on calibration of instruments for Final year Electrical Student on 09.05.2023.

Study tour of ENTC students to ORICAN SYSTEMS Pvt Ltd.

Study tour on "Fabrication and designing of a PCB circuit board" of ENTC students to STPI ELITE TOWER

A moment after a campus drive with Principal Tapaswini Sahu & faculty members of ETC branch with students of 2017-18 batch.

Students participating in a project fair at GITA, Bhubaneswar.

Students of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering branch participated in "National Innovative Projects Fair - 2019" held at GITA Engineering College on 2nd March 2020 and awarded prize for these performance.

Teacher's day celebration.

Welcome Party Organised by Senior students of ETC branch in presence of Dr. Tapaswini Sahu, Principal and others faculty members of ETC branch.

Teacher's Day Celebration by Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering final year student of 2019-20.

Study tour to "TATA STEEL LTD., Kalinga Nagar, Jajpur, Odisha" by final year students of Electronics & Telecommunication branch on 25-02-2020.


Gangi birua,


My self Gangi birua. My sincere thank fullness to the Entc department. The department and faculty members helped me to develop my technical carrier in a proper way. During my industrial visit , department faculty members helped me a lot so that I gained more industrial knowledge, with the effort by me and staff of DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC.

Nikunja Das,


I am Nikunja Das. At the very outset I would like to express my heartiest thanks to the DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC family. I extend my warm regards to my dept which has immensely helped me succeeded and helped me achieve my goals.

Gayatri Beura,


The friendly environment, the systematic approach towards imparting education at DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC made me, Gayatri Beura student of ETC depat a competent individual. So I got a job in TATA STEEL LTD.

Rakhi Singh,


When I joined DRIEMS POLYTECHNIC, I was out of my comfort zone, I was able to overcome all the difficulties. I have always believed in myself because at the end of the day it’s your effort which makes the difference. Everything has been possible due to the continuous effort from Driems family. Rakhi Singh.

Rasmita Mallick,


Faculty Name Video Lecture
Dr. Tapaswini Sahu
Click here
Er. Satya Ranjan Behera
Click here
Er. S . M. Nazrul
Click here
Er. Sabyasachi Patra
Click here
Er. Sudharani Sahoo
Click here
Er. Debapriya Nilakantha Padhy
Click here